Jumat, 17 Januari 2014


Java Runtime Environment is a software that serves to running all applications based on Java . The Java Runtime Environment is a technology that is manufactured and developed by Oracle .

With this application you to run applications called applets that are written in a programming language based on Java .Many applications that are run on either Windows , Mac or Linux that requires java to function and can be used with any baik.Contoh is easy if you want to upload photos to Facebook ,
your computer must first be installed the JRE .Some performance improvements achieved in this update

includes fixes for security vulnerabilities , startup applications , user interfaces and file reading capabilities . Zipped large . Not only performance , but also included system configuration includes support for Windows 8 support , Windows 7 , SLES 11 , Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 , and Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition ( JFB and Java SE ( x86 ) 32 - bit ) 

download here (x86)

download here (x64)

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014


Driver Magician adalah sebuah software yang berfungsi di bagian driver ,fungsi driver ini yaitu untuk membackup,mengupdate,serta mengembalikan driver yang sebelumnya sudah di backup plus dapat membackup registry yang mana hasil file backup bisa di ubah menjadi .EXE sehingga bisa di install dengan cepat dan mudah.

Software ini bisa mengidentifikasi semua jenis driver hardware semua yang ada di system PC jadi dengan mudah kita bisa mengetahui dan membackupnya dengan mudah juga ada notifikasi yang muncul jika ada driver terbaru.
How to Install:
  • Run the installer as usual
  • Turn off Antivirus and Internet
  • Use Keygen to get the serial number and enter the serial number into the program
  • Restart the Antivirus and Internet
  • Done


CCleaner 4.08.4428 full professional business + serial & crack

CCleaner 4.08.4428 full professional business + serial & crack ,  is a software utility that works to make our computer more quickly , not much JUNK or junk files , or registry that settles on our PC and can not be cleaned up by the windows .in this renewal , the maximum would be his performance as Bugs bugs have been repaired , and from time to time in any software fix to follow the flow of the operating system and software developments .
There are additional programs complement CCEnhancer a portable program CCleaner which is capable of adding 100 new programs or applications in the CCleaner list . when my friend has installed CCEnhancer , so my friend can run the program CCleaner and look in the application tab , there will be additional programs to fit any program installed on your computer buddy . and applications that will be a sign of a program that was added from the CCEnhancer . so the log and the various things that save history of a program that has been on the run will be detected and can be deleted so that CCleaner will get maximum performance and disk space width , as well as the operating system will be even lighter .



KMS aktivator 2014 v6
KMS Activator ultimate 2014 v6 activator is a software which is used to activate Windows activation buddy commonly asked when my friend reinstall. Supporting operating systems ranging from Windows Vista, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 all versions. 

However, when using KMS Activator mate Ultimate 2014 v6 should be connected to the Internet.For my friend who was in need of this program please try.



Hide ip
Hide IP Easy adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk menyembunyikan identitas IP asli kita dengan IP palsu sehingga kita dapat berinternet di dunia maya dengan sangat aman,mencegah hacker dari pemantauan aktivitas kita serta melindungi identitas dan informasi pribadi lainnya dari para peretas selama kita online hanya dengan beberapa klik.

Dengan Hide IP Easy kita dapat mengirim email Anonim,un-ban diri dari forum,blog dan lain-lain kita dapat memakai salah satu dari sekian banyak alamat IP Proxy palsu dari berbagai negara seperti:
Amerika,inggris,perancis dll. Software ini dapat berjalan pada semua browser seperti Internet Explorer,FireFox,Opera,Maxthon,MYIE dan juga kompatibel dengan semua jenis router,firewall,jaringan rumah,jaringan nirkabel.

Hide IP Easy Key Features:
    • Anonymous Web Surfing
    • Protect Your Identity
    • Select Your Physical IP location
    • Send Anonymous E-mails
    • Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Sites